Reducing the Cost of In-stream Tidal Energy Generation through Comprehensive Hydrodynamic Site Assessment
PI: Richard Karsten, Acadia Tidal Energy Institute
Partners: Fundy Tidal Inc., Dynamic Systems Analysis, Clean Current Power Systems, Dalhousie University and the University of New Brunswick
Funding: NRCan ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative grant
Project Duration: 2013-16
This 3 year ecoENERGY Innovation Initiative funded research project is led by Acadia University. Project
partners are Fundy Tidal Inc. (Fundy Tidal), Dynamic Systems Analysis (DSA), Clean Current Power Systems (Clean Current), Dalhousie University and the University of New Brunswick (UNB). This project involves site assessments at Fundy Tidal’s three Community Feed-in-Tariff tidal energy sites in Digby Neck. The site assessments will examine energy potential, interference with other water users, and the engineering, construction and operational costs associated with different berth sites and tidal energy converter technologies. The results will be used to optimize the design of tidal arrays and to estimate the maintenance and operational costs for each site.
For more information, see the 2013 FERN Newsletter