FERN Newsletters
Issue 5, Winter 2016 |
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In this issue: FERN Activities and Accomplishments NS Department of Energy Offshore Energy Research Association FORCE: 2015 Highlights Research at Small-Scale Tidal Sites Tidal Research in Maine Acadia Tidal Energy Institute Tidal Engineering Research at Dalhousie Dal Oceanographers Measure Noise, Turbulence and Waves Dynamic Systems Analysis Overwintering of Striped Bass in Minas Passage Turbine Array Impacts on Suspended Sediments in Minas Basin Cape Sharp Tidal Making Headway Upcoming Events |
Issue 4, Fall 2014 |
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In this issue: FERN Activities and Accomplishments 2014 ICOE: 2014 Recap Research at Small-Scale Tidal Sites Updates from the Department of Energy & OERA FORCE: 2014 Highlights Standards Development for Marine Energy Converters Tidal Research in Maine Acadia Tidal Energy Institute INORE Symposium 2014 Upcoming Events |
Issue 3, Fall 2013 |
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In this issue: Message from the FERN Coordinator Report from the 2013 Annual General Meeting Report on the FERN Subcommittees 2013 Nova Scotia Tidal Energy Research Symposium & Forum FORCE: 2013 Highlights NS Tidal Energy Projects & Activities 2010-2013 Tidal Energy at the Nova Scotia Department of Energy Update from the OERA Tidal R&D in Maine Acadia Tidal Energy Institute Tidal Research in Digby Neck 2013 Hudson Cruise in Minas Basin & Passage First Submarine Cable Installed at FORCE Upcoming Events |
Issue 2, Spring 2012 |
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In this issue: Message from the FERN Coordinator Socioeconomics Scoping Study for Tidal Power in Nova Scotia Fundy Tidal Energy Environmental Monitoring Technical Workshop Pathways of Effects for Marine Renewable Energy Update from FORCE Update from OEER Tracking Lobster Movements in Minas Basin The Maine Tidal Power Initiative Marine Renewable Energy at Fisheries and Oceans Canada Highlights of Students and Young Professionals Projects:

Issue 1, Spring 2011
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In this issue:
Message from the FERN Executive & Coordinator
FERN - A Part of what is Moving the Bay of Fundy to the Centre of the Tidal World, Chris Campbell, OREG
Update on the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy, Matt Lumley, FORCE
Update on the OEER Association, Jennifer Matthews, OEER
Technology Roadmap for Marine Renewable Energy, June 2011 Update, James Taylor
Upcoming Events
Updates from the FERN Subcommittees
Highlights of Members' Fundy Research Projects:
- Potential Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Developments on the Aquatic Environment, Ted Currie, DFO
- Resource Assessments of Tidal Currents, Richard Karsten, Acadia University
- New Geological Survey of Canada Project, Phil Hill, GSC - Pacific
- GSCA Sediment Dynamics Research in the Bay of Fundy, Michael Li, Angus Robertson, and Robert Prescott, GSC- Atlantic
- Discovering the Seafloor of the Bay of Fundy, Brian J.Todd and John Shaw, GSC-Atlantic
- Detection of Marine Mammals in the FORCE Leased Area during 2010, Dominic Tollit (SMRU Ltd) and Anna Redden (Acadia University)
- Efficiency Implications for Ducted Tidal Turbines, M.Shives and C.Crawford, University of Victoria
- Tidal Power- From Fundy to the World, Andrew Sullivan, University of Cambridge
- The Development of Active Sonar for Marine Mammal Detection at the SeaGen Tidal Turbine, Cara Donovan, MCT